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Why Do We All Need CPR Classes?

For many years, we have relied on the services of the healthcare workers to take care of the sick people in case of emergencies. And time had proven that this works just fine, however there are cases wherein an emergency ambulance had come too late and the sick person have already met his or her fate. This is the reason why everybody should learn the ways of first aid. This includes getting a CPR certification. In this way, we can save the people we love in case of an emergency and we can also save the people around us who are experiencing the same thing.


It's sad that many people neglect the importance of CPR. Picture this. You are eating lunch in a restaurant with your grandmother. It seems that the restaurant is not even half filled. God forbid, your grandmother's heart had arrested. What do you do? You would be pretty lucky if someone who knows CPR is dining at the restaurant with you. But what if no one is? Without the heart pumping blood for oxygen, a person's body can deteriorate in minutes. In fact, it only takes 5 minutes for a person to die if his or her brain was deprived of oxygen that it needed. That crucial time frame is the most crucial part. What do you do while waiting for the ambulance to arrive. Will they arrive on time? You will have many questions in your head. But the answer should be CPR. In this way, you can manually help your grandmother's heart pump blood. At least, her body is still receiving all the oxygen she can get.


It is a fact that people in the healthcare system are required to learn CPR. People who are not are also encouraged. Many soon to be parents are also opting for iv therapy courses such as these. Many parents have toddlers who put things in their mouths. In fact, for a toddler, any object that fits in their mouths becomes a choking hazard. And for a parent, knowing how to tend to their kids' emergency needs shows responsibility.


There are many online classes being conducted about first aid and CPR. Getting a c p r certification is not that hard. You can sign up for online classes. There are also classes being conducted in the hospital. You can inquire them for the schedules allotted to that. But for the mean time, you can scan the internet for some information about it.

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